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About the Author
 A.L. Sirois does software engineering, web design and graphics for a small company in New Jersey, where he lives with his wife and two children. He has recently completed a screenplay involving Willy Ley and Nazi espionage. When he's not writing, working or spending time with his family he plays drums in a rock band and oversees the SFWA BULLETIN website. Mr. Sirois invites you to visit his Web site.
As Bad As It Gets
by A.L. Sirois

Retired. After helping us pioneer this unique magazine with the first issue nearly twenty years ago, A. L. Sirois has placed it with a reprint edition. He has asked that we retire this story from Deep Outside SFFH, which we do with fond hope that it will soar elsewhere for him. Thanks, Al!
Site designed and implemented 1998-2002 by
Brian Callahan
Deep Outside SFFH copyright 1998 by Clocktower Fiction (Books). All Rights Reserved.